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Saturday, 11 June 2016

lil Wayne announces that he is left with only one month to live.

This must be the saddest news in “THE GAME” or rather the Hip Hop music industry this year. New Orleans Rapper Lil Wayne made a very shocking announcement this morning in Atlanta after calling a press conference, Tune Chi who seemed to have lost a lot of weight sadly told the his fans and reporters that he was diagnosed with skin cancer and his Doctors said he have only five weeks to live.

His Doctor confirmed that earlier this month Lil Wayne was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer meaning there is nothing they can do to save him.

“With 80% percent of his body covered in tattoos our scanners were always falling to detect the cancer in his skin all the time until it reaches stage 4…The only thing we advice him is to enjoy the few days he got left. Wayne always visited me for regular check ups so we were close, The only thing he pissed me off with was stealing my cough syrup every time he visited”. Joked Dr Williams.

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